For Writers

Coming JANUARY 2025 ~ I'm opening registration for my signature online course called First Draft Framework. Get your first murder mystery written, from the blank page to The End.

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You’ve dreamed about writing a book.
  • You don’t know how to get started.
  • Or you’ve started but can’t finish.

Imagine how it would feel to…

    • Have a plan to get from start to finish.
    • Have guidance by someone who’s done it many, many times.
  • Enjoy  the feeling of creating and completing your first mystery novel.

    All of this is possible with my signature course, First Draft Framework, even if you feel like you’ve waited too long to start. You can do this and I can show you how.

    Sign up on this form to be added to the waitlist. More information will be sent to you in January.